Sabrina Carpenter, the beautiful, hilarious pop princess that she is, now has a Netflix special, “A Nonsense Christmas With Sabrina Carpenter,” released on Dec. 6. This special was the equivalent of...
My time on “The Colonnade” editorial board would not have been nearly as joyous or complete without the wildly intelligent Kate Verity and inimitable Kylie Rowe.
Stepping into this position, I’ll...
December is upon us, and it is officially the most wonderful time of the year. Whip out the eggnog and light up the tree because the holiday season has finally arrived.
It is no secret that people’s...
We’re off to see the witches! As of Friday, Nov. 22, what I consider the most highly anticipated movie of the year, “Wicked,” was finally released in theaters after what felt like a century of waiting.
What’s a drink that people live by? Is it coffee? Tea? Well, for me, and I am sure many others, the drink I live by is the holy grail of drinks: Dr Pepper.
What makes Dr Pepper the superior soda...
Monica Lewinsky was 21 years old when she moved to Washington D.C. in 1995 for an unpaid internship in the White House under former President Bill Clinton. As a young woman, Lewinsky landed the internship...
As someone who is a perfectly normal person, I consume entertainment media and have certain celebrities, influencers and stars whom I follow consistently and love to watch. However, I think that we as...
The Recording Academy announced the 67th Grammy nominations on Nov. 8, and while there are many celebrations over well-deserved selections, there have also been many upsets during this award cycle. Music...
Among all I have to do as a GCSU student, my favorite hobby has been watching reality TV religiously. From “The Bachelor” to “Dancing With The Stars” to “Love Is Blind,” I endlessly watch the...
I see, therefore I need…my motto as I browse the aisles of every shop or store I enter. Whether it’s a boutique downtown, a vintage shop, a retail store or even Amazon— if I see something glitter...
It’s no secret that people love true crime and jump at the chance to see documentaries, listen to a podcast or watch movies that are based on true stories. If that is you, then, oh, do I have a movie...
Have you ever had a nightmare so real and vivid that you woke up scared and had to make sure there were no monsters under your bed? Or maybe you’ve been in a haunted house or watched a scary movie that...