Like many students, I am not the biggest fan of studying. That being said…I love a good study spot! It has taken now a full year of being at GCSU to know what the dos and don’ts are about studying on campus.
You may be thinking, “Well Molly, what are the “dos” and “don’ts of studying on campus?” It all boils down to location, level of quietness, activity and personal preference. Personally, I love a study spot where I can lock in for hours but have time pass a lot faster than what is actually occurring in the spot.
Here are 10 cool spots that I believe hit all of those marks for a spectacular study spot, starting with the easiest to access, and ending with my favorite hidden gems:
- Russell Library second-floor green chairs. These were a personal favorite last year for me because, on the second floor, you can still talk with friends and get work done simultaneously without disrupting any other students hard at work. The chairs also have a great “sky” view of a large part of the library’s first floor.
- Russell Library second-floor couch and beanbags. Way in the back of the second floor, passing the green chairs, circulation desk, printers and multiple tables hard at work with students contemplating midterms, is a somewhat hidden turn that takes you into a corner with couches and beanbags to – comfortably – work on all of those assignments due Friday.
- Russell Library third-floor study rooms. I love a study room because you are closed in which means you will actually lock in to do all of the work you set out to do. Study rooms can be easily reserved by going on Unify to the service apps tab, or at the circulation desk on the second floor of the library if you are making one last minute.
- Russell Library third floor. When you didn’t prepare for a study room, and they happen to be all booked, do not fret! This is what the third floor, or what I like to call the “quiet floor” is here for! On the third floor, it is completely silent with a ton of enclosed type spaces to be quietly hard at work.
- Russell Library first-floor booths and tables near Books And Brew. This option is when you want to be near some action of the Books & Brew or need an excuse to grab a coffee before you get back to your assignments.
- Blackbird Coffee. This may be a stretch for “on campus”, but Blackbird Coffee, a coffee shop located downtown, is so easily accessible from campus and can be the perfect place for coffee, quiet studying and the perfect ambiance. They too have a quiet area downstairs in their shop, as well as a whole section of tables you can easily study at, have a caffeine recharge and get a little coffee shop serotonin boost.
- The Den. The Den is an interesting study spot because while they do have a quiet area in Donahoo Lounge, and some tables in the main area, a lot of the time is taken up during normal school hours by patrons of Einstein’s Bros Bagels, or the campus Chick-fil-A. If students aren’t eating at those tables, the quiet area hours only extend from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m., eliminating super long study periods after classes.
- Front campus outdoor tables. I prefer this choice for studying, but the weather in Georgia, especially Milledgeville, is such a gamble. It is hard to plan exactly when to study outdoors in general. When I get to study here though, it is beautiful. I love this pretty campus!
- Health Sciences Commons. My first of two hidden gems on GCSU’s campus is the commons located in the health science building, third floor. The commons have huge ceilings, which makes for a nonclaustrophobic atmosphere and is generally empty and quiet when I’m there! I spend hours upon hours studying there, and there are whiteboards and a ton of materials out if I ever want to switch out my studying habits. The tricky part is whether, as a mass communications major, it’s sacrilegious to work in the health sciences commons…
- Integrated Science Complex. The ISC is my absolute favorite hidden gem of study spots on campus. My first major was Biology, which required many hours of studying after lab sessions. The atmosphere was always quiet and there wasn’t a lot of foot traffic when I studied for long hours. Additionally, this place offers a peaceful environment for studying with various seating options, both indoors and outdoors. The new facilities are impressive, and I often run into some of my favorite Biology lab partners here. We still keep in touch despite changing my major, the true test of friendship.
Overall, a study spot is what you make of it. Some days you will get the best study spot that you hope to continue to use for the rest of the semester, and others you gotta take what you can get. Studying sometimes can be daunting, but it’s very necessary. Other times when you make it fun with friends or a sweet treat, it can be a core memory in the college experience.